The # sign designating the “Hashtag” and also “Number” sign is drawn by 4 lines intersecting each other as 4 paths crossing or streets meeting up on a map to converge creating a square, a common place, as roads, rivers, humans and public to the performance, can also converge.

“The hashtag is a way of going through the little door to reach the public square, the street and the agora, which are not socially and historically very feminine places” in Le Monde of Dec.16.2019, dialogue between Isabelle Adjani and the philosopher Cynthia Fleury. https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2019/12/16/isabelle-adjani-etre-un-objet-de-desir-ne-doit-pas-conduire-les-actrices-a-subir_6022996_3232.html

This gallery of # signs collected in the urban environment opens a sensitive approach to materials, patterns and in situ contexts.