Gilles Viandier

Email : wanders647(at)

Tel : + 33 6 73 76 70 88

Promenade d’artiste / Pd’A production structure develops the artistic creations of choreographer/dancer/performer Gilles Viandier, sculptor/performer Denis Tricot, and stone carver/performer Mathieu Harzo.

The aim of this association is to promote contemporary artistic creation initiating or supporting artists’ interventions in unusual places (monuments, sites, landscapes, cities, wastelands, rural areas) in order to allow multidisciplinary crossings and encounters with social groups, roots, aesthetics, spaces renewed by current artistic practices.

APE: 9001 Z / Siret: 414 094 060 000 20 / Licence: N°2-1039728

Production/Diffusion : Adeline Pierrat

Email : promenadedartiste(at) – Tel : + 33 6 64 95 85 99

Administration : Dominique Gasquet

Email : domie.gasquet(at) – Tel : + 33 4 71 43 51 57